Good evening Chieftain man I sure hope you get a shot at that nice buck.I to will get to hunting next weekend,my first trip this year,because of work,but the boss gave me a whole week
Well I`ll be honest with you Chief about this offer,I think the whole world would be happy to eat a big red apple.
It`s a shame that any one would even ask such a thing,its simple tho really,they dont love it,and dont have the passion we do,simply put,for true diggers it simply aint all about a quick buck,they should be able to see and reconise this,but greed blinds there thoughts of 2 things,1-the person who worked for the roots, 2-the respect they should have learned at home or through life for others and there labours.The over all bag is not worth as much as it would be without the nice roots,I lol when he said he wanted to get us twice as much as the market price for the big roots to make good money,thinking I guess that we where not smart enough to realise that the overall bag with big roots included would pan a larger profit,even if the pound was 500 instead of 600 for just the big roots,
Chieftain,I want to give our friends on here my example seeing I got started on this - If you have 5 pounds and you sell 2 pound of your best roots for say $500:00 dollors a pound that = $1000:00,then all you have left is the 3 pound of average roots,then your small roots would be worth around $400:00 if you where lucky seeing you cut the good stuff,so that = $1200:00 you end up with $2,200:00 for the 5 pound,,,,,,,,,,,,,but if you sell the whole lot to a dealer,and trust me any good dealer wants the lot,not a part,and he will pay better overall to get all the roots together.So if he pays $500:00 a pound for your lot,you get $2500 for the same 5 pounds of Ginseng by not spliting it up,hey im just an old country boy,but seems I made $300:)0 more dollors by waiting on my dealer,instead of a cheap trick.
I would say sory,but im not sory,thats the way I see it,its a cheap trick.
I wasent going to say anything,but thanks for asking me,sometimes maybe we should say something.
Thats my honest answer Chieftain,