My wife is a country girl... she grew up eating home grown garden stuff and she loves and eats and helps me put up... all the stuff I grow.
She is not a fan of mushrooms (my son and I get all the morels)
She is not a big fan of fish, but as long as she has some tartar sauce she she is OK with that. Sometimes in the spring, when I am bringing fish home a couple times a week, she says enough... got to freeze those. About once a week is her upper limit on fish. Man I could eat them much more myself.
She will eat Deer, loves Wild Turkey... not going to eat a squirrel (no way), looks to much like a rat to her

My son and I eat them... and squirrel liver, and turkey liver is just as good as chicken livers... I love those.
I saved some liver from the deer I killed the other day, froze it, going to try some of that soon. I love beef (calf) liver especially with some scrambled eggs.
If you like liver... you would like squirrel brain... yep I have tried that too.. it has a very "livery" type taste to it.
Liver is the TRUE superfood.
I have seen my wife try frog legs and she did OK with those. I love those too. When I was a kid, we gigged frogs several times a summer, and ate a bunch of those legs. Dove and Quail area couple of other wild game that I really enjoy. My Dad was a big quail hunter, back in that day... we had bird dogs and all that. Man my mom could sure cook up some nice fried quail and I loved it.
I ate a jar of my deer stew a couple days ago, and it was really good. 19 more to go.