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TOPIC: 2013 Dried Ginseng Prices?

2013 Dried Ginseng Prices? 11 years 6 months ago #23995

Does anyone have any idea on what dried ginseng will be going for this year? I know drought last year put a hold on a lot of ginseng, even I had a much smaller harvest so I don't know if that will impact the dry price. But this year however, we had a really wet spring so there was a lot of ginseng up this year...So will that balance out? Or will the demand start high this year and taper off? Post your thoughts!!! So far no one on the web has posted anything about it being dry but now that buying are taking in fresh wet roots there should be an idea at least on what that price should be.

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Re:2013 Dried Ginseng Prices? 11 years 6 months ago #24002

Rule of thumb, take whatever your buyer is giving for it wet and multiply by 3, if it's $150 lb wet then would be $450 lb dry. That will give you a ballpark idea of what it will bring.

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Re:2013 Dried Ginseng Prices? 11 years 6 months ago #24004

Thats a might low. Multiply it by 3 1/2 or 4 and you will be closer.

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Re:2013 Dried Ginseng Prices? 11 years 6 months ago #24005

I was thinking around same thing. I did a test last year on 3 lbs wet and 4lbs wet. the 4lbs dried much closer to 1 lb.

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Re:2013 Dried Ginseng Prices? 11 years 6 months ago #24041

Many years ago, back before there was a digging season here in TN..

Seng dug early summer - I always heard it would dry out around 1/4 - took 4 lbs green to dry to 1 pound, but seng dug later in the year (fall) would dry out closer to around 1/3.

I have never sold any green, so never tested that out.


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Re:2013 Dried Ginseng Prices? 11 years 6 months ago #24044

In my experience, the ratio for fall ginseng will be someplace between 3.5:1 and 4:1 depending on the individual roots of course. I know the commercial guys figure something like 3.6 or so

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Re:2013 Dried Ginseng Prices? 11 years 6 months ago #24045

IF you live in Illinois WHAT are you doing with 9 pounds of sang. It is not even season here till this Saturday. The Mods should pull your imfo and report you if we knew you had that much sang. 16 x 9 =144oz x 500.00= 72,000 would be your fine if you have 9 pounds and you live in Illinois.

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Re:2013 Dried Ginseng Prices? 11 years 6 months ago #24047

That changed 2-3 years ago. It is and states= The harvest season for wild ginseng in Illinois is from the first Saturday in September to November 1.

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Re:2013 Dried Ginseng Prices? 11 years 6 months ago #24049

I will check and see if you turn it in, I know who to check with too. I keep up with the rules and with the amount you have it just may cost you a lot in fines and maybe loss of hunting as one guy here lost hunting for life. The guy I said lost his hunting rights had only 3 pounds wet and his fine was 500.00 a oz. Next time check rules.

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Re:2013 Dried Ginseng Prices? 11 years 6 months ago #24051

I am not trying to be a hard butt but the digging date has been changed for at least 2-3 years and also on this site. So you should have known that if you was a digger. NO excuse there ,your fault now for not knowing the right date. Open mouth insert foot and swallow hard. I see you changed your name and picture, too late , got it.

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