Yes, it's Larry Harding and my long conversations with him that have me thinking about this Q. He told me with some determination that the origins of his seeds were all wild, and this was going to affect the potency and quality of whatever harvested root you got down the road.
Like TNHunter said, he also sprays significantly every year. 'Course he's got 80 [yup, eighty] acres of growing 'sang going on, and over 50 years of experience.
I bought a pound of seed from him last week, and it arrived yesterday. I also got 250 3 year old roots from him. All are going in the ground this weekend.
I havn't heard too much from other sources about the quality of the seed affecting the quality of the harvest. It does stand to reason, based on other planting experiences that this would be true.
However the point from Classicfur remains... as to appearance. Larry Harding also stated that this is a prime factor in sellings one's roots, so it's still a bit of a mystery to me which factor plays the most important role.
If both qualities [potency and appearance] are what we are after, then well, this is really the question I ask in this post. It would be nice to have the determination from somewhere on which method to use to grow \"Emperor root\" which seems to be most valuable!