Age doesn't necessarily mean decay, it just means more attention to yourself. I took up cycling about six years ago. Now at 53, I'm as strong as I've ever been, and am still seeing improvement. I figure if I'm getting stronger, I'm not dying. And just cut and split about 1.5 cords of firewood, not for the exercise, but to make a dent in heating costs.
Doing 5 pounds this year, plus I just took wildgrown up on their 2yo root offer. That's going to be some work. Still in the 'try a bit of everything and see what works' phase. Trying prepped beds this year, going to transplant off the excess. Had pretty good luck transplanting the rootlets that I potted last year, moved about 200 rootlets, most of them did well.
One thing I'm finding... it's quality planting as well as quantity planting. No point in putting seeds out if they don't germinate.
Yep, I wish I'd started this six years ago, when I first got the idea and realized that my rough as a cob farm was perfect for seng. We all say that. Wish I'd bought Apple stock 20 years ago, too. But, I'm glad I stayed away from drugs when I was younger, and that I didn't move to a big city, so for every 'I wish', I probably have an 'I'm glad'.