By far the best stuff for killing slugs is Deadline M-Ps and also recommended by Scott Persons. I have used this slug bait for several years now and have knocked down the slug population from thousands down to a minor problem.I do know that the slug population I had before could have easily wipe out a whole bed of seng. They are the worst in the spring but where I live, there is plenty of moisture year around (33\" of rain a year)to support a slug population.
I know in the spring, they can attack the seeds that are left on top of the soil by eating the white interior of the seed as they begin to open up and kill the seed, also emerging seedligs and adult plants by eating a part of the stalk and cause the plant to fall over.
Its also good to apply deadline in the fall even when you don't see much evidense of them. the fall is when slugs will lay their eggs which will hatch in the spring.
Deadline is the best slug bait on th market and can withstand up to 6\" of rain without falling apart like the cheap slug baits do. This is the cheapest place to buy deadline in bulk.
After using this stuff, I now know why Scott recommends it.
I would'nt waste my time or money on any other brand. 10 lbs lasted me almost three seasons. For me, slugs are the biggest danger I have to my plants.