Here is some info on storing seeds I found from Ontario Ginseng Agriculture updates.
As far as the conversion of celsius to Ferinheight, youll have to figure that out.
Handling Ginseng Seed before Seeding
Stratified seed that has been removed from the boxes should be held at no lower than 8-10oC, but at cool temperatures (ideally > 15oC). If stratified seed is chilled (exposed to temperatures below 5oC) before planting it may result in delayed germination and seedlings emerging in the second year. Remember that we still know relatively little about the effects of temperature on ginseng dormancy. Avoid any unnecessary fluctuations in temperature (high or low) after being pulled from the seed box right up until they are seeded and covered by mulch. The time of seeding does not affect germination. You can expect about 20% cracking in the seed box, this is a good indication that the embryos are developing as they should. One way to check whether seeds are developing well is to measure the embryo. Split the seed along the suture line. The embryo is in a sack at the micropyle end of the seed (the pore end). A well-developed embryo at the time of planting should be about 2-3 mm long. The embryo will grow over the winter and will be about 5mm at the time of germination. If the embryo is less than 2mm in length it may not germinate next spring but the spring after, if diseases have not broken it down by then.
It sound like the important thing is to not expose the seeds to too cold of temperature or they may not sprout until the second year.