2024 Fall Planting:

* Ginseng Seed: Currently shipping until sold out
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TOPIC: Planting 30 lbs of seeds, by hand, solo

Planting 30 lbs of seeds, by hand, solo 9 years 5 months ago #36987

I planted 2 lbs last year in test plots...and figured go big or go home this year. I have 30lbs of seed and I'm going to start planting on Monday. I've been doing bed prep/planning all summer and plan on planting approximately 200 50'x 4' beds. I plan on doing this in 2 phases:

Phase 1 - before the leaves have fallen: I'm going to plant seeds in furrows .50\" deep with the soil placed back over (I think this is called the Hankins method). I'm going use a garden seeder to do this ( earthway.com/product/1001-b-precision-garden-seeder.ashx ). Certain areas of my land have loose loamy soil that will work with this method and it should be quick and easy planting now that those areas are identified.

Phase 2 - after the leaves have fallen: I'll use the rake and scatter method in sloped areas/hard packed areas. This will be slower that Phase 1, but I think its doable. I planting 28 beds last year using this method in about 6 hours of work.

It'll be an interesting process and I'll let you all know how it goes.


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Re:Planting 30 lbs of seeds, by hand, solo 9 years 5 months ago #36996

Welcome boomerman!

30 lb.s of seed. Heck of a way to start.... That's whole bunch of seed to go into it with. And , a whole lot to plant in one fall.

Please keep us posted on how it is going for you.

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Re:Planting 30 lbs of seeds, by hand, solo 9 years 5 months ago #37039

Go big or go home I here ya I also have quite a bit to sow myself I use a tiller the first year to get them started then cast seed then use a chain link fence pulled behind a 4 wheeler with some of the link broke towards the ground so it lightly turns the dirt back over has treated me well over the years I try to plan this method just as the leaves are falling right before a good hard frost. After that there on there own we started harvest seed this year finally. So far no disease knock on wood

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Re:Planting 30 lbs of seeds, by hand, solo 9 years 5 months ago #37058

Got my first 3 lbs in the soil today. The hand seeder worked pretty well -- I just raked back the weeds and sticks and then when through with the seeder. Also nice to find some mature plants in my bedding areas already!

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Re:Planting 30 lbs of seeds, by hand, solo 9 years 5 months ago #37146

I raked and scattered a bunch of stratified seeds, should I be worried due to it not raining for a week afterward and the soil being super dry. I didn't step down on the seeds either. They were from a family members strain of wild, so I'm hoping I didn't mess up.

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Re:Planting 30 lbs of seeds, by hand, solo 9 years 5 months ago #37149

That would worry me for sure I usually plant mine in Ky. and Va. Around end of October or when the leaves start falling this time of year I would only plant in the northern states at the moment like WI, MI etc.. But if you have access to water and no rain for a week....easy idea get a small battery and a small boat pump get a water container and there ya go. If you have a tractor or four wheeler makes it easy if not rain is on the way from WI to Georgia next few days

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Re:Planting 30 lbs of seeds, by hand, solo 9 years 5 months ago #37152

We've had 2 nice rains since I laid that first 3lbs down. I'm going to spread my seedings out over 7 weeks...it'll be intersting to see if there's a big difference in germination rates.

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Re:Planting 30 lbs of seeds, by hand, solo 9 years 5 months ago #37153

Take your seeds add them in a gallon zip lock bag add some sand to them and stor them in the crisper I keep seed like this for months and have never had issues I open the bag once per week to check for proper moisture and to let in fresh air if it's too moist let bag sit open for 30 minutes if it's a bit dry add a few sprays of mist water

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Re:Planting 30 lbs of seeds, by hand, solo 9 years 5 months ago #37164

First bed going in.

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Re:Planting 30 lbs of seeds, by hand, solo 9 years 5 months ago #37165

Nice to find some surprise plants around where I'm laying seed.

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