I planted some about that thick in the past, and a lot of beds 5x50' in size, with some beds even larger than that.
They looked great, like yours early on.
Later in the summer, some started showing little yellow spots, then later on the leaves sort of looked like they were melting.
First 3 years they thinned out a LOT... and I changed my planting style to very small beds (like 3x3') and spacing those beds out quite a bit. That has helped a lot with cutting down on disease issues.
I think if you are not going to do a regular fungicide spraying program... then you will be very lucky if you plant large beds thick like that and the majority survive and do well.
At least that is true here on my place. I am not going to spray, so for me the only option was to plant smaller and thinner. That is working for me now... but this growing ginseng thing is a work in process, learn as the years go by type thing, and no doubt it varies quite a bit from site to site.
Good Luck !