2025 Spring Planting:

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TOPIC: Spring coming in later this year ???

Spring coming in later this year ??? 10 years 3 weeks ago #34655

The last half of Feb and first part of March so far we (here in Middle TN) have had what seems like colder than usual weather.. with a lot of snow and ice.

Got a little snow left on the ground today after getting hit again this week with it.

In the past few years I have found my first 3 leafers up on March 18 and 20th.

That is only 12-14 days from now... and it sure does not seem like they will be coming in that early this year.

I will sure be glad when this winter is over.


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Re:Spring coming in later this year ??? 10 years 3 weeks ago #34656

Same here, man. I agree. I've got a little snow left as well, but I'm goin' down to Florida for the week starting tomorrow. Unfortunately the family is keeping me from getting to the mountains, but I should enjoy some fishing. Also, it should keep my mind off of ginseng while I wait for it to warm up! Hopefully in a few weeks I can begin the Spring scouting.

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Re:Spring coming in later this year ??? 10 years 3 weeks ago #34664


I really do think spring will be much later this year. I had -2 degrees yesterday morning and a cold 15 degrees this morning.
Long term forecast is 5 degrees below normal temperatures for the rest of March and April.

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Re:Spring coming in later this year ??? 10 years 1 week ago #34763

We still can't get the dang snow melted here in northern PA. We are tapping the maple trees and in some parts of the woods the snow is still above the knee. That makes for some difficult time collecting maple sap.

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Re:Spring coming in later this year ??? 10 years 1 week ago #34770


Big improvement here in Middle TN since I started this post.

After all of our snow and ice and freezing temps, it warmed up some and rained for about a week and a half, and the past 3-4 days has turned sunny and we have had temps in the 70's.

It is a little cooler today and for the next 6 days supposed to be in the mid 60's / 40's temp wise.

My Plum tree has open blooms now.

Spring is definitely springing.

I will have to go and check for 3 leafers soon.


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Re:Spring coming in later this year ??? 10 years 1 week ago #34777

I usually am quite fond of winter, and only complain about how much others complain about winter. But this year, I'll admit I'll be happy to see the spring flowers. This winter has taken a toll on me.

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Re:Spring coming in later this year ??? 10 years 1 week ago #34828

I checked some of my wild sim plantings today 3/21 and found no 3 leafers up yet.

I planted last fall on a hillside that faces pretty much due north.

In previous years when I had 3 leafers up on 3/18 and 3/20 those hillsides faced NE.

Plus it was colder in Feb and early March here this year... which I expect is also making them come up a little later this year.

Love to see those first 3 leafers, but none found today.


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Re:Spring coming in later this year ??? 10 years 1 week ago #34847

I'm heading out to check on my patches tommorow. I almost hope they aren't up yet since the forecast is calling for a couple twenty degree nights this week.

Good luck

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Re:Spring coming in later this year ??? 10 years 6 days ago #34852

Did a quick pass through my patches this morning. No ginseng up yet that I saw, but it looks like the Mayapple is doing quite well. Lots of little green umbrellas poking up all over.
The forecast says a chance of snow this Saturday. Upper seventies the next two days then possible snow. Ahhh, spring in Dixie.

Good luck

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Re:Spring coming in later this year ??? 10 years 4 days ago #34860

A nice patch of mayapple .

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