2024 Fall Planting:

* Ginseng Seed: Currently shipping until sold out
* Ginseng Rootlets: Currently shipping until sold out
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TOPIC: Planting Seed Question

Re:Planting Seed Question 10 years 5 months ago #30464

Hi Bigroots,

I really don't think it matters that much. I would plant as soon as you can after receiving your seed. If you can time seeding a day or so before a rain that's a bonus. However, the less time the seed is out of the box before going into the ground the better.

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Re:Planting Seed Question 10 years 5 months ago #30465

Get your seed in the ground as soon as possible. There are already a lot of early leaves falling. These nice foggy mornings are keeping the soil moist.
Better to have the seed in the ground than having to worry with them.

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Re:Planting Seed Question 10 years 5 months ago #30466

Thanks! I will plant ASAP!

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Re:Planting Seed Question 10 years 5 months ago #30476

Ok guys well I put some seed in the ground today. I've still got a good amount to plant but 2 beds I raked back, scattered, walked over and raked leaf litter back over the other 2 beds I raked back, took a screwdriver and made 1/4 deep rows which I placed seeds in. Also I purchased some \"STA-GREEN\" Gypsum but its in pellet form is this ok to use?

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Re:Planting Seed Question 10 years 5 months ago #30478

4runner00 wrote:

Ok guys well I put some seed in the ground today. I've still got a good amount to plant but 2 beds I raked back, scattered, walked over and raked leaf litter back over the other 2 beds I raked back, took a screwdriver and made 1/4 deep rows which I placed seeds in. Also I purchased some \"STA-GREEN\" Gypsum but its in pellet form is this ok to use?

The STA-GREEN Gypsum should be okay to use! However, it might be best to wait a little further into the Fall before spreaing on the beds and any other crops but others may know when is the best ime. Also, you will want to scatter it on top of the leaves to allow it to do it's best at what it does. It will not only promote decomposition of the leaves and other dead plant life to provide more nutrients to the emerging Ginseng embryos but also, it somewhat conditions the soil as well. A little boost of Epsom Salts (Magnesium) applied at the same time or later in the Fall, will also do much to promote rapid root growth in the newly forming roots from the embryos and promote healthier and stronger stem and leaves in the plant when it emerges and grows through the Spring and Summer.

Good luck!


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Re:Planting Seed Question 10 years 5 months ago #30479

I would imagine any form of gypsum will be ok.

However, I've had some negative experience with gypsum. I've not scientifically tested yet, but I put some on some beds and none on others and the beds with gypsum are very sparse compared to the beds without.

I think we need to look closer at our soil composition before adding things as that will change the chemical make up of the soil. Also, don't forget Beyfuss and Corbin both found a 10:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium in healthy ginseng soils. Getting that ratio out of whack might make other minerals/chemicals more readily available which might in reality be detrimental to our goals.

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Re:Planting Seed Question 10 years 5 months ago #30495

First guys I really appreciate all the advise. Me doing the 1/4in trench so to speak and laying the seeds in 5-6in apart then covering up and raking leaves back over is this ok???? I know its time consuming but it make me feel better or is this wasting time?

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Re:Planting Seed Question 10 years 5 months ago #30497

4runner00 wrote:

First guys I really appreciate all the advise. Me doing the 1/4in trench so to speak and laying the seeds in 5-6in apart then covering up and raking leaves back over is this ok???? I know its time consuming but it make me feel better or is this wasting time?

That is the method I used in the Fall of 2012 for some seeds and this Spring for some other seeds and from the results (i.e. germination and emergence), it apparently worked well. I also used the scatter method in the Fall of 2012 and although some of the seeds sent up tops, it was not as successful as the treanch method.


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Re:Planting Seed Question 10 years 5 months ago #30499

Sounds good I just felt better doing it this way but does rake a while I hope it pays off. Basically I'm hoping for some future funds for my kids 5yr old and 11 month old

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Re:Planting Seed Question 10 years 5 months ago #30502

Generally you want to plant about an inch deep. Cover with leaf litter over that. You just have to beware of the oak leaves.

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