2024 Fall Planting:

* Ginseng Seed: Currently shipping until sold out
* Ginseng Rootlets: Currently shipping until sold out
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TOPIC: Experienced Growers - what would you do differently - list your failures !

Re:Experienced Growers - what would you do differently - list your failures ! 11 years 1 month ago #24897

My first planting was a near-total bust. I had brodcast the seed gingerly, had soil-tested throuoghly, and bought from supposedly reliable seed providers. Failure existed nontheless. We planted in the very early spring/late winter. I had the Scott/Davis book that I had read from cover to cover. Seeds were planted according to best practices I could find, a combination of Beyfuss and TNHunter videos.

I planted 7lb.s of seed [49,000 seeds approx] and 2 lbs of rootlets. the statistics were sobering [translate: downright depressing] at less than 1% germination rate for the seeds, and nearly 100% emersion rate from the rootlets. I know the stats, as I counted each three-leafer by hand, then did the math. Rootlets were nice to see above ground... that is until my four-footed enemy-ornery-obnoxious-mean and hungry deer ate them.

I can't be sure if the seed emersion rate was affected by the proponderance of green seed that affected quite a few of us that year.

I began hunting the deer in earnest. Me and my 8mm and my .303 made a difference there.

The 2nd year i changed very little. This was in the hopes that somehow I had received a potful of bad seeds. We replanted the entire patch, this time with 8 lbs of seed, and no rootlets.

2nd year was incredible with the rate of emersion: I had too many three-leafters to count! Yeah! Then I got to thinking that there were soooooo many three leafers, that some of them must have been from the preceding year. If that is true, then I did get a whole slew of immature, not completely stratified seed!!!!!

Lessons learned... however to continue with this one would be away from the asked topic of this thread... \"what are the failures.\"

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Re:Experienced Growers - what would you do differently - list your failures ! 11 years 1 month ago #24919

I too had a run of bad seed luck one year. Lesson learned, reliable source found and sticking with it until Im producing my own. Most suppliers order a certain quantity and pass them along with out the knowledge or care of how they were handled prior. You see, cultivated farmers always use their best seed (which only makes sense) and sell the seed that may have came from a diseased area. They stratify good seed and they stratify bad seed, but hold them separately. Maybe you get lucky and get good seed and maybe not. It is hard to imagine someone with 100lb of possible disease prone seed just throwing them out when such a profit can be made. That's not to mention how stratification was handled.... Letting them get too dry also causes delayed emergence and whether or not they used proper fungicides to ward off diseases during the process also makes a huge difference. You are at the mercy of the grower first then your retail supplier second. Tricky business, this seed selling.

I more or less have a fairly intimate relationship to my plantings. During the growing season Im there at least a couple times a week. I am not so certain of the term \"self thinning\", I usually see what has done the thinning when a plant fails and before it disappears. Any plant is no different than humans when disease comes calling, if you were to cram 50 people in a 10x10 room and one gets sick, guess what happens...Also,Everything wants your ginseng! Be it deer,turkey,invasive weeds, rhizoctonia, phytopthora, alternaria, voles and last but not least; man wants it as well. When I fall behind on my maintenance schedule I see exactly what has happened, when I do as planned then all is usually well other than the notorious woodland vole. I have tried baiting and it helps some but not completely. I went through a restricted chemical class a few weeks back so I can now use bait that will more or less knock em dead when they smell of it. There will now be a wide spread extermination of my whole property or they had better begin their exodus very soon. Little did I know, cultivated farmers expect this before planting and have certain protocols using these baits to rid the entire area. From what I've seen, if you aren't able to do regular maintenance on a planting then you had better spread them babies out.
And also.....Any potential grower expecting to make money hand over fist and not work at this endeavor had best not fall prey to the lure of riches from the Ginseng seed salesman. It's like everything else, it's hard to get anything out of it unless you put yourself into it.. literally.


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Re:Experienced Growers - what would you do differently - list your failures ! 11 years 1 month ago #24994

1. Planting to densely
2. Planting marginal/questionable sites

I'm coming to the conclusion that it is better to buy less seed and plant it like you would a wild seed from a plant you were digging. 3/4 to 1 inch deep, 1-2 seeds per sq. ft. max.

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