guy wrote:FTB
here are a few questions to answer so I can help you better.
What percent of seed that you can dig up is still white inside?
What percent are dried out?
What do the dried out ones look like inside?
How do you split the seeds open?
How did you plant the seeds in all the gardens?
How deep were the seeds planted?
Did you check to see that your seed had in fact stratified prior to planting?
In the yard The seeds where 50/50 some where still white in side some where brown and some even hollow(nothing in them).The woods ones I only found a few bad seeds Most where white in side and moist.Now that being said the soil in the yard garden is more moist than what was in the woods.Not buy much but a little better.
I didn't take close note what was dried out.That's just a rookie mistake.But (yard) alot of brown and empty shells..
I split them on the seam of the shell I guess you would call it long ways.
Planting them!!!LOL I had a soar back.I didn't trust the scatter/rake method.All got planted by hand..Yes it took forever.Only 1/4 in soil over top and a light covering.I added gypsum between the rows before cover'n.I didn't cover to heavy because the fall leaves where starting to drop..
They said the seeds where stratified.I float tested the bunch and had very few floaters..
I bought Scott Persons book last summer..I got it wore out

Plus the info on this site you guys gave me.I was hope'n for alittle better return.It's hard for me to pin point the problem.Being new it could be one thing like the seed or several things...Now we did have a dry spring also and little snow fall.Our water table is way down.We avg here 120 inches of snow here.Last winter I think it was around 38 inches.All the spring rain went north and south of us.
The beds in the yard I mixed 1/3 sand,1/3 peat and 1/3 leaf mulch (mostly maple shredded).My ph was6.4 to 6.7..I added gypsum mixed well.The transplants I have Are twice as green and bigger than when I picked them.That is the reason I really confused.If the soil was that bad they should of been stunned.I would think anyways...
Thanks again.....Frank