You probably already know this, but just as a reminder, or something you may have overlooked as an info source, and FWIW: In Scot Persons newest growers book, throughout the text, he offers several \"tables\". These could be used as a model from which you could use, modify, change into graphs, or any other format; in laying out a business plan to your liking. These tables cover quite a few catagories; ie: site selections, tools, methods, and right on thru to expenses vs. yield.
Just a thought, but you may find it worth looking into for reference.
Being as new to growing as I am, and focusing on the fundamentals, I haven't looked into a business plan as yet, but I did keep some fairly specific records as to my efforts this year. Hopefully in about the beginning of year 3, I'll have amassed enough records to start generating a plan package.