Sorry don't have anything to show for comparison.
We had a extreme hot/dry July/August and by first week in September something like 95% of our wild seng was gone. It just turned brown and died, not your normal yellowing like it does in the fall.
I had quite a few 3 leafers from wild similated plantings that were still up first week in August, but when I checked on them again first week in October there were none remaining in any of my beds. Almost all of our forrest floor low green plants expired early this year, cohosh, bainberry, maidenhair fern, etc - they just turned brown and died.
I have heard that ginseng develops next years bud in June/July and hopefully mine that expired early will be back next year. I sure hope so.
I should be able to compare some 2 year old and 1 year old rootlets next fall.
This years experience made me change my planting some too. I have planted all of my seed this fall, lower on the hill, and put the seed deeper under dirt (most 1\" deep). I did plant some using my double rake and scatter method and that gets them I'd say 1/2\" deep on average, but I planted the large majority of my seed this fall using the sharp shooter shovel - and got them covered good with dirt. It was slower planting, but I am sure they will do better if next summer/fall is as dry at this past one was.
I also focused my plantings this fall on areas where I could still find some maidenhair fern that survived and I expect that will help quite a bit too.
Good Luck to you on your plantings !