2024 Fall Planting:

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TOPIC: ginseng and deer

Re:ginseng and deer 15 years 6 months ago #1435

Steeltrap, Lenno has some good advise there. Scott Persons book has photos of several plants associated with sang. He lists some, I know and some I haven't seen. There are a few he doesn't list that I have seen in close top sang that I don't know what they are. Here are a few that I took pictures of today,

Here is a shot of Jack in the pulpit.

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Re:ginseng and deer 15 years 6 months ago #1436

Steeltrap, Lenno has some good advise there. Scott has some real good photos of some of the indicator plants in his book. I do not know of any one book that has all the indicator plants in it. There are some good books out on tree species that might be good to have on hand. The Audubon Society puts out one with photos of the trees, their bark, fruit and general locations in the US. It will fit in a large pocket and can be taken right into the woods as a field guide. As to the different plant species, I do not know of a resource other then to get a list of the plants together and look each one up on line.

Here are photos of a few I took today. I had some time and any excuse to get into the woods is a good excuse.
Here is Jack in the pulpit.

Here is another of the seed cluster. In the earlier spring, this is where the little flap or \"pulpit\" would be.

Here is one of Black Cohash with a flower on it and if you look just above the Cohash plant in the photo, you will see sang growing too.

Here is a shot of a Goldenseal plant and look to the left of it... yep... sang.

Here is some false lilly of the valley (I think).

Here is a Trillium and if you look close, you can see it has a flower on it, kind of drooped toward the front.

Here is a shot of Solomon's Seal.

At first glance, the next photo looks like a bed of sang- I only wish. It is a bed of wild sarsaparilla and can fool ya sometimes. I guess that's why they call it \"fools sang\"

Sang will grow in between the sarsaparilla though.

Here is a photo of White snake root. I have it growing everywhere.

One last one. Here is a photo of Virginia Creeper and sang growing right side by side.

That's a few and there are more. I wanted to get a photo of the seed cluster on the fools sang but, everything on the hill side I was on today must have been nipped by frost this spring. There are some in behind the house that have berries forming on them. I will try to get a photo at some point- providing my \"forgetter\" doesn't over ride my rememberer as it has a tendency to do. I hope some of these will help. I can post more if they are needed.

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Re:ginseng and deer 15 years 6 months ago #1437

You may also notice that several plants look similar to sang. If you've done any hunting, it can be frustrating until you get to know what you are looking for but, I am glad there are several plants that look like sang. If that were not the case, there might not be any sang left. Just wait till you see those Jack in the pulpit berries in the fall! From a distance, you'll think they are ginseng berries for sure.

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Re:ginseng and deer 15 years 6 months ago #1439

Thanks lenno, what a great site just what I was looking for thanks again!!!!!!!!!

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Re:ginseng and deer 15 years 6 months ago #1440

Thanks Dieselrider, I have seem many of these and wondered what they where.Thanks for taking the time to take and post these pictures.It sure is great to be back in the woods.My ginseng patch I thought was nice but Hardings is in another league. What is it about ginseng that makes it have this effect on a person,I can't figure it out? Oh by the way my patch is about 50 ft. total.Can I ask you one more question? I just lucked up and found where you answered me after lenno's.So to any one that I tried to talk to and I didn't answer is that I didn't see it.Pretty sad for a old man.Thanks again for all the help!!!!!!!!!!

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Re:ginseng and deer 15 years 4 months ago #1968

  • yaknfool
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Steeltrap, A good book (fieldguide) is Peterson Field guide to Medicinal Plants and Herbs...I'm in central Alabama and it list bout all the plants in my woods...It tells you the plants common names as well as medicinal and other uses....A great book to have if you want to know whats growin in your woods.

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Re:ginseng and deer 15 years 4 months ago #1979

thanks dieselrider for all the photos

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Re:ginseng and deer 15 years 4 months ago #2358

A grower recently told me he uses sulfur to keep them away.


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Re:ginseng and deer 15 years 4 months ago #2365

  • Billy
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  • Billy Taylor from Bell County Ky
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Interesting guy

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Re:ginseng and deer 15 years 4 months ago #2377

I own an apple orchard and trust me only a fence will do it if they want what you have! I agree w/ Deisel brush around will help steer them away. Be sure not to plant neer known deer runs. Watch the lay of the land and plant away from where they are going. Try and find a little area that is suitable for seng and not near were they are moving.

I've got one little patch a hundred feet from where this pic was taken. The deer move right by it and don't bother it because it is in a little depression with a mound on top. The deer have to go around the mound coming down this hill and go right by it. I put some brush around for insurance. There is a well used trail 20 yards away and they haven't bothered the seng.

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