Maya one of the best sources I think would be to locate the International dealer in your state and show him such a root,,,maybe send a e-mail etc to let him see if he thinks it would be something special.
If so then meet with him and see what happens,,,i/m/opinion an international dealer would know how to move such a root and would know about this type of root,and unlike the common dealer he would be more interested in the root if it was the sure thing simply because he could make a load of money from it even if he compensated you well
Thats the power of the international dealer ( but being a international has a tremendous headache with it the paper work is overwhelming )
In the entire State of Ky the no#1 producing ginseng state most seasons there is only 1 such dealer that lives here and is a resident,there are 2 more but both of them are non resident I know 2 of them he three
If I see one of them this season I will ask about this myself and post again on the topic..