2024 Fall Planting:

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TOPIC: Newbie intro and questions...

Re:Newbie intro and questions... 16 years 1 week ago #1076

Hey Jeff,
Glad to be of service my friend. Where are you located? I'm mainly a digger myself, but I do grow Ginseng on my property for my own pleasure. You can grow it like I do, but it takes time and work to harvest a good crop. My biggest problem is moles, those little varments love seng and will reap havoc on your seng patch/s...lol...There are many methods to help cut back with them, but you'll never get rid of all of them. Besides, We need them to help oxidize the ground and do there part, they also eat worms and other insects that can hurt seng. So, I guess you would say they are just doing their part in nature(what the good lord intended). oh well as the old cleshay goes \"we have to take the bad with the good\"...Well, If you need ever need any help just give me a holler....if you lived close enough I could take you seng-n with me, of course you would have to be able to keep up..lol.. These mountains are tuff to get around in, nothing like the flat country if you know what I mean...

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Re:Newbie intro and questions... 15 years 11 months ago #1081

Eagle, I very much appreciate the offer. I live down southern Maryland. You don't have to live close to me. I'd love an opportunity to learn and actually dig sang and would not mind travel a bit for that. Actually, according to what I've learned probably the further I live, the less you have to worry about people knowing where your patch is. If you don't mind me e-mailing you directly when I have other questions about sang in the future, I'd appreciate it!


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Re:Newbie intro and questions... 15 years 11 months ago #1082

Glad to be of service Jeff and hope I have shed some light on seng-n for ya... Emailing me will be just fine for when you have other questions...

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Re:Newbie intro and questions... 15 years 11 months ago #1086

hey eagle just wanted to let you know that moles want eat your ginseng. Its voles that eat it and yes they will reak havoc on a patch, usually its to late when u realize they are there. I lost a really old patch to them. I thought the same thing until someone told me. Don't get me wrong u still don't want moles in a patch once the tunnels get in there its like a highway for the voles. If u see little thumbhole size holes in your patch try putting rat poison in the holes thats about the only thing i know that works. Good Luck!!!

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Re:Newbie intro and questions... 15 years 11 months ago #1088

I agree and disagree hillbilly. First of all, I agree that voles(a small rodent resembling a mouse but with a stouter body) will also kill or as I put it \"reak havoc\" on seng, but I would have to disagree on what you were told about moles. I'm sorry to hear you lost your old patch of seng, that has happend to almost everyone sometime or another. As for the rat poision, I would never recommend putting a toxic like that in the soil to anyone. I prefer using natural deturants such as small windmills that will create vibrations in the ground or mash baskets. There are many other types of creatures that love Ginseng as well Hillbilly, such as Deer, Turkey, worms, and other insects...but, I'm glad you posted that on here. I'm always glad to hear more imput from others and voles is a good one.....Thanks Hillbilly...

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Re:Newbie intro and questions... 15 years 11 months ago #1089

thanks for the reply Eagle. Either way you don't want either of them in your patch. Also eagle thanks for the tips on keeping them out of our patches.

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Re:Newbie intro and questions... 15 years 11 months ago #1091

Your absolutely right Hillbilly, We sure don't want any of these pests destroying our patches it's hard enough keeping them out of the hands of thieves. I'm also glad you brought up the subject of voles on here as well my friend; Just more good info for other members on here interested in Ginseng...Thanks Hillbilly

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