2024 Fall Planting:

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TOPIC: My Ginseng Website

My Ginseng Website 13 years 8 months ago #10101

Hey Guys,

Here's my new website I put together recently. It's nothing fancy, in fact it's really nothing more than a fancy photo album.

I had plans of it showing photos of seven years in growing ginseng.

Well a few weeks ago I had someone email me that had seen photos of my plants on this forum. They wanted to know where in Maine I lived and if they could visit my ginseng gardens. My answer was a Flat Out NO! I did not know of anyone on this forum that lived in Maine. Or perhaps this person was going to vacation in Maine and wanted to visit me on their vacation. Anyway I have never considered to show my garden to anyone other than family. But definately not a complete stranger.

I guess over time there are a few from this forum that I might consider this possible, but I would have to know them very well.

After a lot of consideration, I am only posting pics of plants up to three years old. I don't need peoples eyes popping out of their head when they see pics of a hillside covered with older plants. I have TOO Much At Stake!

I think that when my High blood pressure comes down after this, I hope I feel more at ease in showing off my plant.

Any way, here is my website. If you click on photos, you can view a slide show.



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Re:My Ginseng Website 13 years 8 months ago #10102

Nice looking site. I don't blame you for not wanting to show your plots to total strangers. I doubt that showing a few select pics of older plants on your website would cause you much harm though. Harding's have pics of mature plants on their site. Perhaps you could inquire from them if this has caused them any problems. But very nice clear pics of the plants that you have shown.

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Re:My Ginseng Website 13 years 8 months ago #10103

Nice site. I have used the free wed services at weebly.com to make websites before. Would love to see the other pictures also.
Remenber just because you're paranoid doesnt mean they are not after you.

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Re:My Ginseng Website 13 years 8 months ago #10109


Nice website and nice pic's of your ginseng.

I would like to see your older plants too - that would be somewhat encouraging to us growers to see someone that has actually got plants near to harvest size - but I will understand if you decide not to do that.

I don't blame you at all for saying NO to showing anyone other than your very close and trusted family where you seng is growing.

Something that is probably worth thinking about.

For someone that is growing seng - probably a good idea not to list your actual name on your wildgrown profile and to also list or mention in post what state you live in.

With someones real name and the state they live in - well you can be found - and once someone knows exactly where you live they could figure out where you have seng growing.

Also if you list a email address on your wildgrown profile - probably best to use something like a hotmail account - and something that could not easily be tracked back to who you actually are or where you live.

Wildgrown does not require you to put your \"actual\" name on your profile and I don't have mine there.

I would sure hate to see anyone that is growing seng get ripped off by some poacher and while it may be a stretch to think that seng poachers could use the internet, your wildgrown profile, email address, etc to find you and steal from you - well that is sure not impossible.

We can sure make it much more difficult for them if we are very careful what info we make available online.

Good Luck !


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Re:My Ginseng Website 13 years 8 months ago #10110


You have brought up some good points to think about.

Like not listing our names and locations on this forum and any other websites.

I guess over the years I have not mentioned growing seng to anyone other than family and one friend in WI where I have plants growing on his property. And in this sense I have not let my guard down.

But then you mentioned that poachers could use the internet to locate growers. I have never considered this thought. I definately will be more carefull in what kind of info I put in my profiles and on the web.

We truely are dealing with \"Green Gold\" And we need to treat it as such so the robbers don't get to it first.

I know a friend of mine in WI told a friend of his about his plants. Well his friend had a big mouth and gave away the location to someone. Well that ended up with him losing about 800 roots. So he now cannot grow seng in that area anymore.

I guess we need to never let our guard down.

I don't know what the intentions were of the person that contacted me. But it sure has opened my eyes to be more carefull. It just shocked me!

I appreciate your suggestions and concern very much.



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Re:My Ginseng Website 13 years 8 months ago #10263

thats a good site and thanks for the link.We are building a picture site on googles free site thing.
Your 51, just turned 52 so you know the pains of plantin to?


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Re:My Ginseng Website 13 years 8 months ago #10269

I am 52, almost 53. It is funny that so many on this site seem to be in the same age range.

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Re:My Ginseng Website 13 years 8 months ago #10273

I am an outlier, 25 years young.

Unfortunately, I live in NY, where it is illegal to shoot someone, even below the waist in self defense..
But if I lived anywhere else, it wouldn't be a non-lethal round loaded in my shotgun for that sang' poacher.

A wild or small patch on a large piece of land is one thing, but premeditated grand larceny of an active ginseng farm (hopefully me in 3+ years) is a totally different ball game.

Poachers beware.

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Re:My Ginseng Website 13 years 8 months ago #10279


I too live in NY and am 28.

As for shooting \"sang poachers\", not positive but pretty sure most states that would allow you to use a firearm in self defense would be just as quick to throw you in prison for shooting an unarmed trespasser up to no good.

Unfortunately, the aspect of poaching is a concern when growing ginseng, and the bigger the patch the bigger the threat.

I guess that's why banks are more likely to be robbed than lemonade stands.

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Re:My Ginseng Website 13 years 8 months ago #10281

Nice to see there are others in this generation who have interest in hunting and growing Ginseng. I am nearly 26 but hopefully by 30 I will be responsible for the planting of Ginseng seed numbering in the six figure range.

I may have been a little dramatic in my statements in my previous post, but there is a reason for everything (carry a big stick...). Truth be told, I doubt I could ever kill someone unless I felt my life was being threatened, but if I ever found myself in a situation where thieves are robbing me of my hard-earned livelihood, I would consider laying down a few rounds to make their getaway a little more painful. And when you consider actions like this in a time of heightened stress hormones, you never know what could happen. That is why you shouldn't go around robbing people of their stuff.

My house was burglarized once before and I let them get away.

On the subject of mortally wounding unarmed trespassers, some states such as Florida, to my knowledge, still allow you to use deadly force against anyone trespassing on your land. At least this is what someone who lived in Florida told me. In the west, Texas and Arizona have a rule where the trespasser has to be inside of your dwelling in order to use deadly force against them. Many of the locals out there say that is why you must \"shoot them on the stoop and pull them inside\".

We live in a pretty wild country, where criminals can easily obtain firearms. This is why we must all arm ourselves. I truly believe the phrase \"When seconds count, the police are minutes away\".

Please, I am by no means a lawyer but I would advise that you don't go shooting people thinking you can! I could be wrong, since the above is based solely on hearsay.

-The very passive aggressive Sengsational
(just don't come and rob me because I may snap, he he).

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