It was an Oak but I cannot remember if it was a white Oak or not. I was a week to late on these too. They had a little bit of mold on them so I left them there to rot. Can't wait till this coming fall to check this tree. This woods is dark and wet and they got mold on them early. Disappointing but I found a boat load later in the day so it didn't bother me as much as it would have if I didn't find any more that day. Like I said it should have some nice ones again this fall as long as we get some rain late summer early fall. I will be checking this tree earlier too this fall.
You make it to Ohio and I will send you home with a trunk full of fresh Maitake this fall. Trade you for a couple lbs of ginseng
I will show you how and where to find them so you can find them in WI.
The reason I had asked is that these type mushrooms are one of the few that I know, and I usually find them at the base of a White Oak, or the stump of the same.
I think you are right about it being a whit oak. If I remember correctly White oaks have rounded leaf tips and red oaks and black oaks might have a pointer leaf tip.