Kduce I have just noticed this article and I sure think that 1st star root photo is a nice take that is to me a beautiful plant I love to see a nice group of them standing whent the tops are white I also like to look at them in the winter when the leaves color a purple look and the trees leaves are brown and laying around them a good patch looks good at that time.
I do not know if any of you guys may want to try this and I am not sure at what time in the season would be a good time to try this but here it is
I buy alot of false unicorn / star root and alot of freshly dug if any one would like to try transplanting them and seeing how they do and grow I would be happy to work with you on it.Now as you all know the transplant rate is very high on my wild ginseng,but i have alot of exsperience harvesting and handling it,this would be new for me as well so it is just a thought and we would have to try and figure out the best procedure for it.
I saw that sevral was interested in having there own so let me know if you want to get some but also lets talk about how to handle it and what might be the best shipment for it etc.
As far as that goes I could get you just about any wild root to transplant,blood root,black cohosh,wild ginger,indian turnip,moss,wild yam,stone root,etc.