2025 Spring Planting:

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TOPIC: Spring Peepers heard the last two days...

Spring Peepers heard the last two days... 7 years 1 month ago #40978

east central .Illinois ....we had our fair share of rain last week for sure.....

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Spring Peepers heard the last two days... 7 years 1 month ago #40979

Wish we were having rain and days in the 70s! Here in MN we just got a foot of snow over the weekend. Looks like some days in the 30s coming up tho so that will help start melting

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Spring Peepers heard the last two days... 7 years 1 month ago #40980

Been crazy weather here 40s during the day and 20s at night snow mostly gone. See red winged black birds there like two weeks early geese r flying in early. Rats are starting to run. Spring might be early this year. Sap running big time. But I know we'll get another good snow in March always do but after the winter we've had this is most welcome to come.

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Spring Peepers heard the last two days... 7 years 1 month ago #40981

It was nice and warm here last Friday and I got my old fishing rod out and put on a new reel (pfluger president)... and a spool full of my favorite 10 lb test braid (it has 4 lb diameter, but 10 lb test)... Berkley's fireline... works great on spinning reels.

I knew the river was going to be up and running but went and gave it a try anyway.

Actually caught a few small blackperch out of a eddie, but was not fishing for them. Was hoping to get a nice smallie or two... No luck on that and the river was up so much that I really could not cross or wade so I did not fish long at all.

Felt good just to get out there and try a little. I saw some early spring flowers blooming (buttercups)... and our bradford pears are getting ready to bloom here (blossoms are big and full, just not hardly open yet).

My two little plum trees died the past two seasons, and they were always my first bloomers here at the house. Miss em.
Note sure what happened to them, but after harvesting fruit off them, the leaves just started to yellow and they were dead in a month.

I will be glad when we get a good weekend temp wise and the river is back down to normal.

I had two packs of fish filet left in the freezer this morning and thawed one of those out today for dinner tonight.
Time to get those eaten up and make room for more.


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Spring Peepers heard the last two days... 7 years 1 month ago #40982

with last lights 3 tenths of rain we set a all time monthly rain fall record for feb.the record was 8 and 2 tenths set in 1888..we are at 8 and half inches and its raining this morning.....

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Spring Peepers heard the last two days... 7 years 1 month ago #40983

Same here Chief... I heard on the local news last night that this is the Wettest Feb recorded for TN.

It has rained several times today, and more on the way.

Dang river will be rolling this weekend... fishing will have to wait some more :-(


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Spring Peepers heard the last two days... 7 years 1 week ago #41007

My Peach trees are full of blooms now, my bradford pear has already bloomed and now has small leaves..

Got my garden broken up this past weekend. Hope to get some greens, taters, onions, planted soon.

The last 3 mornings there have been at least 2 gobblers hammering out the ridge behind the house.

I have not checked for any 3 leafers up yet, but I don't really expect my red berry plantings to sprout up early like the bought stratified seed did. I will try to get out and check on that tomorrow and see what I can find.

I have the day off tomorrow, was hoping for a nice day to get some fishing done, but now it is cold and raining again... bummer.

But Hey.. Spring is Here.


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Spring Peepers heard the last two days... 7 years 1 week ago #41008

I hope the weather clears for you Tn.28 degrees here spitting snow with a 35 mph wind.....it needs to warm up so I can go fishing...its been a long winter...cabin fever has set in.....

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Spring Peepers heard the last two days... 7 years 1 week ago #41009

Happy for u tn really could use some of that varm stuff up here heck I'll even take the rain. 1st day of spring was -1 when I got up the high was 28. I here ya chief ready to kick old man winter the heck out

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Spring Peepers heard the last two days... 7 years 5 days ago #41012

I have rain moving in from the west this afternoon,then snow moving in from the north tonight..oh goodie.

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