Maiden Hair Fern is one of the best companion plants in my opinion.
This picture shows some MHF, and just up the hill to the left there are a couple of big old ginseng plants growing.
I saw the MHF, and went up that steep hill to check out the location and was well rewarded.
If you have a large are that you can plant and are just getting started... I would recommend this.
Get you some good stratified seed, and plant it in the fall (october-november)... in small test plots (4'x4' for example) and space those out all over your proposed planting area. If you have a acre of land that looks like it might work, then you might do 10 of those test plots that first year. Spread them out, and mark them good (something you can positively find them by) the next spring or early summer.
From my experience good stratified seed will sprout and make a 3 leafer just about anywhere you plant it... but it will be around year 3 when you will know if that spot is going to produce. If by year 3 you have some nice 2 prongs and perhaps a few 3 prongs... and especially if some of those are starting to produce berries in year 3, 4, 5... then you know that spot has been proven.
I started off planting large beds 5'x50' or longer... and I planted those all over my planting area.
Some have done well, and some have not done well at all. It was year 3 or so before I knew for sure which areas were going to do well.
I would have been better off if I had just planted small 4x4 spots all over my place to find out those good locations.
Unfortunately I planted several 5x50 beds in areas where they just have not done well. Some of those beds at 6 years old still had just a few small spindly 2 prongs in them.
I would have wasted a lot less seed if I had done the small test plots instead. Live and learn.
But on the good side, I also put in several 5x50 beds in locations where they have done well. I now have some nice 3 prongs in those areas that are producing berries that I am planting back in that same location where I am sure they will be successful.
Best of luck to you !