Those things will eat almost any plant that has a relatively soft stem and produces a berry or fruit. Yesterday I spent about 3 hours in the woods looking for them, it only took about 5 minutes for me to find some, the first ones that I found were nestled on my false unicorn plants, the next ones I found were at the Base of some goldenseal berries, and they were also present on my ginseng, my bloodroot has already dispersed their seed,so none was found there, I think that bloodroot may be relatively safe from these critters do to their early seed development. I continued to look and found them on mayapple plants,wild blackberry plants. Just out of couriosity I checked some Virginia creeper and found some on there as well, In growing wild simulated ginseng you are out of luck on pesticides but there are natural ways to combat these bugs, think about the food chain what would like to munch on these creatures? Spiders,praying mantis and the great aphid slayer...the common lady bug.