2024 Fall Planting:

* Ginseng Seed: Currently shipping until sold out
* Ginseng Rootlets: Currently shipping until sold out
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TOPIC: Ginseng or Sarsaparilla or ??

Re:Ginseng or Sarsaparilla or ?? 10 years 4 months ago #32287

Definately a hickory sprout. They fool me a lot also making me stop in my tracks and do a double take. Keep looking and good luck.

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Re:Ginseng or Sarsaparilla or ?? 10 years 4 months ago #32294

I think I found the other mistaken plant while out setting a deer stand last night. Is this Virginia Creeper? It had a sort of vine like stem when I pulled on it a bit.
Crazy, I'm out looking for deer sign and find myself looking for ginseng. Ha

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Re:Ginseng or Sarsaparilla or ?? 10 years 4 months ago #32310

Haaa, if you think them creepers are seng, then you are a lost cause. if you cant find nobody to teach you to find seng in the wild, then first do what everyone says on here and look for companion plants first! like the pointer here, you will find seng near by. I look for the edge of the seng leaves, which is totally different from creepers, then the center of leave, then all the leaves facing each other. They go in different combos depending on the distance im looking at, red berries are just bonus, except indian root berry pod gets me all the time from a distance. Young hickory gets me also, and they almost turn the same color in fall, but seng leaves are thinner when they turn pastel yellow. good luck.

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Re:Ginseng or Sarsaparilla or ?? 10 years 4 months ago #32323

Thanks VT but no worries, I was a little taken back by the lost cause comment but I have my big-boy pants on.

I'm in this mainly for the experience with my son and the opportunity to teach him about markets and such. I'm far from a lost cause in the outdoors but will admit I have a lot to learn with the different plants.

Funny, he read some posts last night and even commented how everyone seemed so nice on here.

At least I didn't post a pic of poison ivy and ask if it were ginseng. :)

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Re:Ginseng or Sarsaparilla or ?? 10 years 4 months ago #32325

A woman once contacted me and told me she needed help with all the ginseng on her property. She told me the size of the plants were huge and she was having trouble getting them out of the ground. I questioned her quite a bit and she told me that some guys who she knew and who hunted ginseng had looked at her find and confirmed they were indeed ginseng. She had them hanging in the barn to dry. So, I drove over there and after some initial posturing about who has rights to what and such, she took me to the barn to see the smaller ginseng she had drying.

Yup....all hickory sprouts. Every single one of them. I was ready to leave that that point, but she really wanted me to see the huge ginseng she was currently working on. Needless to say, it was also a hickory, but the trunk (stem?) was about 2\" in diameter. There were assorted digging tools around the plant -hoes, shovels, maddocks, etc. Needless to say, I was none too happy.

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Re:Ginseng or Sarsaparilla or ?? 10 years 4 months ago #32326

Posted by: Vermontshang

hey dog rug!!! your some kind of real A-HOLE, to approach him in a mr. know it all with a sick narcissistic attitude like that......what the f@#k is wrong with you? because of your unwarranted attitude i know you have the intellect of a toad! so spend some time and look up what the word narcissistic means, dumb a@# you! if you want to learn about anything on here YOU GO TO LITTLE BRADLEY CASTLE....this guy knows EVERYTHING...serious intellectual....lighten up on the rookies, jack a@# !!!

Apparently, you blocked me somehow as I don't see this post in the thread. However, it does show up in the emails.

First, I have no idea what you are talking about...as usual.

Secondly, pretty stiff for someone who claims to be \"completely non-confrontational\" wouldn't you say?

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Re:Ginseng or Sarsaparilla or ?? 10 years 4 months ago #32341

g2ginseng wrote:

Thanks VT but no worries, I was a little taken back by the lost cause comment but I have my big-boy pants on.

I'm in this mainly for the experience with my son and the opportunity to teach him about markets and such. I'm far from a lost cause in the outdoors but will admit I have a lot to learn with the different plants.

Funny, he read some posts last night and even commented how everyone seemed so nice on here.

At least I didn't post a pic of poison ivy and ask if it were ginseng. :)

Most here are a good respectful bunch of fellas. You know how it is though.....there's a few in every crowd

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