Posted by: Vermontshang
hey dog rug!!! your some kind of real A-HOLE, to approach him in a mr. know it all with a sick narcissistic attitude like that......what the f@#k is wrong with you? because of your unwarranted attitude i know you have the intellect of a toad! so spend some time and look up what the word narcissistic means, dumb a@# you! if you want to learn about anything on here YOU GO TO LITTLE BRADLEY CASTLE....this guy knows EVERYTHING...serious intellectual....lighten up on the rookies, jack a@# !!!
Apparently, you blocked me somehow as I don't see this post in the thread. However, it does show up in the emails.
First, I have no idea what you are talking usual.
Secondly, pretty stiff for someone who claims to be \"completely non-confrontational\" wouldn't you say?