Here's how i think this will turn out. In keeping in line with other reality shows.
Alot of people watch these shows and convince themselves that they are now experts in something they no nothing about. thanks to shows like storage wars, we now have storage companies all over the U.S. building fake storage inventories and advertising in local trader papers and scamming people out of thousands of dollars. And alot of idiots fall for it.
Alot of people watch pickers and convince themselves that it is ok to drive by any old barn in the country and jump out of the car and run over to the barn and start rummaging thru your stuff.
I went to the lake last summer, and was fishing from a pier by the boat ramp, there were several small and protected turtles around the ramp, anyone care to guess what happened, yep you're right, Out of a car jumps a junior \"turtle-man\" and jumps right into the water, splashing around trying to catch turtles. I just shook my head and thought \"WHAT A DUMBASS\".
So if i was a betting man, i would guess that next year we will have a thread on this forum titled, post your poacher trailcam pix here.
Face it, next spring there will be more paochers in the woods than ever and it will be 100% the fault of this show. On the plus side most of them will not have a clue of what to dig, and alot of virgina creeper and mayapple will be removed from the forest by the new found ginseng tycoons.