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TOPIC: Spam not being dealt with!

Spam not being dealt with! 13 years 1 week ago #16706

To everyone except spammers,

Just a note on spam.

I have been deleting spam as soon as I see it in the catagories that I am a moderator. I have deleted a boatload of spam and I'm sure TNhunter as deleted alot also.

But there are catagories that neither TNhunter or I have the capability to delete posts.

I have emailed again, but this time directly to the wildgrown company. So they can deal with the spam in the catagories that TN and I can't touch.

Someone needs to be blocking these people that are spamming but I'm sure they could just sign in with a new user name once they are blocked.

Perhaps it should be like email where certain words keep it from entering the system.

Honestly If Mike or Wildgrown.com does not deal with this issue, then I will be gone, because I have far better things to do than Babysit a bunch of spammers. And it's not very enjoyable to see spam as soon as you enter the forum.

I hope it's dealt with quickly!

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Re:Spam not being dealt with! 13 years 1 week ago #16707

Classicfur - and others...

I agree the spamming is aggrivating and I have deleted a lot of it, but as you mentioned we are only moderators in specific areas of the board so can't delete the spam in areas where we are not moderators.

For example - I am not a moderator in the buy/sell ginseng area, so there is nothing I can do there.

I did email Mike Lee last week, and told him that I would be glad to be a moderator in that section (just so I could delete spam there) if he wanted - - but I have not heard back from him.

I think he obviously needs to add another moderator or two to that specific area, someone who reads the board often and could delete the junk that gets posted. I don't care if it is me, or Classicfur, or one of you other guys that reads and post here often, but someone needs to be added there with rights to delete the spam when it shows up.


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Re:Spam not being dealt with! 13 years 1 week ago #16708

TNhunter and others,

I emailed mike two weeks ago, but no reply, Yet!

The forum is being allowed to be buried with spam and the owner does not acknowlege our emails.

Yesterday afternoon I saw that after I emailed Wildgrown again, that the Administrator was signed in for over an hour and none of the existing spam was deleted. What's going on???

The Forum is leaving a bad taste for all it's veiwers.


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Re:Spam not being dealt with! 13 years 1 week ago #16709

Not sure what is up - but it does not seem to help to \"report to moderator\" in the buy/sell ginseng area. No response at all to that.

Below is some other contact info - perhaps a few emails, and phone calls would get someones attention to the problem.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Tel: 215-540-5890
Toll Free: 888-675-7264

Notice it says that email is protected from spam bots, would be nice if the forum could be protected too. I am sure that is difficult to do, and when you do block them, they find some other way around it and post anyway.

PS - It is snowing here a little, and I am loading up a few 40 lb bags of Gypsum, and heading out to my wild-simulated beds to give them a good sprinkling.

You all have a Great Saturday !


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Re:Spam not being dealt with! 13 years 1 week ago #16712

TNhunter and others,

I called Mike Lee and got his voicemail. So I left message of the Spam situation on this forum.

I would hope for some action or atleast a reply very soon.


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Re:Spam not being dealt with! 13 years 1 week ago #16718

  • Billy
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  • Billy Taylor from Bell County Ky
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I took care of alot of that spam b-4 here on the site,but after a disagrement on a link i made i quite moderating and i have noticed that 1 of the boards that i was over has got bad.I didnt realy pay it much attention how much i heped that bord untill after i wasent over it myself.

The truth is that the owners and or mike do not look into the site near as often as the members do and therfor miss alot of the trash that needs removed,but with fairness spam is very hard to deal with,like this,

After i built my site I made a forum and have noticed that it is exstreamly diffucult to keep the spammers and their spam of of the site,so i set the membership button to approval only so before the spammer can post his/her name has to be approved by me,and the spammers names are always off the wall names so i do not approve any one that has got a name that is a spam type name and that has helped alot in so much that if any name gets by that i do approve and they spam,it is minimal and i delete the member rite away.

If any one joins that has a odd name and i dont approve it they can just drop me a e-mail and let me know it is a actual member and that they have just chose a odd name then i approve them and that has helped alot,but for this to work the site owner/owners have to spend time with their site at least enough to moderate it.

My site is not just a business to me,but a place where me and friends talk etc.


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Re:Spam not being dealt with! 13 years 1 week ago #16720

I admin. and mod. at some sites it all starts with the admin. to control spam. Have to have an Iron Clad system or it will take over. You just can't have a robo style registration system, it will burn your mods. out. I'm sure this site gets alot of traffic and with that comes spammers. I've see spammers shut down large forums BEWARE.

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Re:Spam not being dealt with! 13 years 1 week ago #16721


It's good to hear from ya!

Your right about spammers having a off the wall sign on name. I have noticed that alot of the spam I delete are posted between 1 and 5AM. These spammers must be in a time zone that is over seas to be up at that time of night. I know sometimes when I get on with my coffee in hand at about 4:30 AM, There's usually a spammer posting several posts one right after another.

Sounds like you have a good thing set up to approve the user before they can post on the forum. Its what this site needs badly.

With all the garbage thats on this forum right now, it's not very pleasant to be on any more.

Take care Billy!


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Re:Spam not being dealt with! 13 years 1 week ago #16723

Just wanted to quickly thank you guys for doing what you can do!


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Re:Spam not being dealt with! 13 years 1 week ago #16724


Your right about excess spam burying out the moderators. I've deleted 9 spams today. It's the worst I have ever seen.

The problem is that any Tom Dick or Harry can sign in and have a spammers field day.

And Admin is not deleting the spam in the catagories that TN and I are not moderating.

It's getting Old.


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