I have two plum trees, two pear trees, two apple trees, two peach trees, two grape vines, a row of 6 tame blackberry bushes, and 3 raised beds 6' x 40' that I grow sweet corn, tomatoes, green and yellow squash, cukes, watermelons, cantelop, okra, lettuce, onions, snap peas, etc... in.
Most all of the garden stuff is gone this late but I do still have a few tomatoes on the vine, some still turning ripe and some nice green ones still growing that I will have to pull and let ripen indoors when we have our first good frost coming on.
I like to grow all kinds of stuff, and just started on planting wild-simulated ginseng last fall. Planted almost 4 lbs of seed last year and working on doing more of that this year.
I am no expert on growing peaches but that lil tree that was blooming in that picture, was a reliance peach tree (semi-dwarf) and man I tell you what it has been a good one. Since it was about 4 years old it has produced a good crop every year. We eat a bunch fresh and my wife makes cobbler's and puts up peach jam.
Here is what that lil blooming peach tree looked like on July 5 this year.
I had to prop the limbs up shortly after that pic, it was so loaded down I was afraid they might break.
This winter I am going to thin out the limbs some and thin out the fruit some next year so it does not get so heavy.