guy wrote:Billy, wish you the best,and we'll pray for you.
Billy; this same thing happened to me say seven years ago, the pain is like red hot swords slicing down to the bone, and them burrowing carpenter ants pickin away at it. The skin is numb for a bit and under it, hells fury
Neuropathic pain is my diagnosis.
I'm now on 120mgs of morphine and a few other drugs that knock ya down. In the next few weeks I'm going to try the fentanyl patch it may help me with the walking around.
Everything I do now is an effort, walking in the bush is hell but I can't give that up. I walk till exhuastion from pain then lay down watchin it all, and then try again and repeat.Hunting is where the truck drops me off and a chair can sit.If it was'nt for the out doors I would'nt stand it.
I hear you guy ,,man my prayers are sure going to be mentioned on your behalf as well,and thank you very mutch.