TN, last evening when I googled "yellow root" I got hits for Goldenseal which is why I asked if they are the same. I saw photos that resembled plants I've seen on my property which included the white flowers. I have not seen any red berries on those plants, so maybe I'm seeing something else.
I seem to struggle with plant ID in many cases, like cohosh. I suspect I have some and have looked at plants and thought, "well that looks like it but I'm not sure".
I find quite a bit of maidenhair fern, Mayapple and what I think is rattlesnake fern; whatever the latter is, I've found ginseng nearby.
Taking a second look at your photo of yellowroot, the leaves look very familiar but I haven't seen the berries. Next spring I'll be all over it.

Thanks again for sharing your knowledge, you don't plan on billing me for it I hope. lol