Personally, I've wondered why one needs an enclosure, even in a three bin system. When I bought this place, the previous owner boasted multiple compost piles which were simply vegetation in very small fencing formed in circles. She had been gone for three years so it was pretty much weeds.
I think I've chosen my location which is near my garden(s). It is shaded and once I extend my water line I'll be able to reach it with a hose to keep it moist during drying spells.
Interesting that your garden is winding down and mine just ripening. I've been picking cherry tomatoes and cucumbers, the latter I can't eat fast enough. I like sharing with neighbors (at least until my wife figures out how to pickle them). She's been researching and I'm holding out hope that she can break away long enough from her inside the house interests to get that going. Otherwise, it will fall on me and right now I've got too much else going on.
I sprayed several corn stalks today and all four brussel sprout plants for aphids. I think I'm too late on the brussels. I'll give them a day or so and if they are still looking bad, I'll pull them and burn them away from my garden. None of my other plants appear to be inflicted.
My neighbor about 250 yards down the road has bee hives and her bees are all up in my garden. I couldn't even spray all my corn this morning there were so many bees. Last year I saw only bumble bees and I think her bees are why everything is doing so much better. I've given her cukes and beans so far this summer and will give her tomatoes and corn when they ripen and she's promised us honey. She only moved here from Texas last year, so glad she has bees. I'm kind of a "stinging, biting insect phobe" and could not have hives myself.
On another note, checked part of one of my other "honey-holes" and the deer have not overwhelmed it yet. Checked one of my four-prongs and it's still in one piece with a nice berry cluster forming.
TN, what does your compost look like when you add it to the garden? I've seen where it looks almost soil like but I think that's with large commercial operations.