Interesting scouting trip yesterday at a new spot I have permission to dig. No luck, but that how it goes. I did see some pefect sites, but it wasn't there. It's a huge farm tucked in the mountains and they have a big sugaring operation.It's got all the stuff you want to see including some of the blackest loam you ever did see! I didn't even come close to covering it though, so I'm sure I'll find it. It's very steep and right down the road from a couple other patches I dig. It's going to take days to cover it.
I did have some excitement though. I was up high meandering through some huge boulders and I heard something move around the corner from me, so I hollered out a few times. This is major bear territory. A little while later I skirted a huge rock out cropping. As I went around to the low side of it there was a 4' high cave and trails leading in and out of it! I unhitched the strap on my sidearm and slowly went sideways away from it. I got about 50- 60 yards away and snapped this pic. No bears seen, thank God, but I'm sure I booted one.