Hugh Hartsell wrote:VAhunter,
There are some positives and negatives to scouting at this time of the year. I went to the mountains a couple of days ago and I told my wife that it would probably be my last trip before the season opens. Every thing is up and growing now with good size to it. If it's not covered up, you should find them pretty easily. On the other hand, snakes, yellow jackets, and some other obstacles are more prevalent from this point on. Sting weed is one that can eat you up, even with snake boots and chaps. It can grow as tall as a man and the nettles are out now, so watch out for them. I happened to be hunting a place that had so much Sarsaparilla and Blue Cohosh that I could not even find an opening to see where I had planted young sang last season. The easiest places to get through would be Black Cohosh patches. They are getting tall and setting seed pods, but they're not so hard to get through. I know your anxious to go, so good luck and I hope you fine some nice ones.
Oh, god. Not too fond of snakes, but yellow jackets scare the crap out of me. I'm not so sure I'm as anxious as I was a while back when I thought of ginseng hunting. I'll be planning on starting my hunting in the late fall and early winter. Yellow jackets thrive in late summer and fall. And, yes, I've seen those stinging nettle before so I'll watch out for that.