The roots have to be certified by the state, so buyers best not buy them! Also it states in the proposal, \"increase the minimum age for certification from 5 to 10 years, verified by counting neck bud scars\", so there should be no argument imo. The scars are there or not. Most all the dealers get them certified by the state, and not normally by the digger, so I see no issue there. Seems as though the dealers may be in trouble if they are in possession of roots with less than 10 scars, but the proposal does not address this, just the general proposals.
Right now they have to be 5yo and there hasn't been an issue. Buyers do not buy them without 5 scars, so if the rules pass they will not buy without 10. Plain and simple, as a digger don't keep anything without 10 scars, as a buyer, don't buy them, so if it's actually 12, fine, I'd cover my butt and make sure it has 10...If guys want to claim ignorant and start splitting hairs and playing \"if, and , or but\" they are just asking for trouble. 10 scars.....simple!