They say that if you have a problim it is better to talk about it than it is to deny it so here go`s.
!!! I am Wild Ginseng Hunter !!!
I am addicted to walking through the mountians and beating down stinging needles and water weeds,fighting the bees, going into the briar thickets,watching for snakes but the most horrible thing is swating all those spider webs brrrr,walking around cliffs,sliping and sliding along in areas I reckon I wasent supposed to go and then there is this,
The old ones have asked me what is wrong with you son ?
The wife has said honey are you going to do that again today with a odd sigh kind of a look ?
The kids have said dad where have you been lately ?
And Finaly I have declared to them all !! O.K. !! I Admitt it,
!!! I aM a SeNg AdDiCt !!! I am HoOkEd I cant find a CuRe !!!
!!! Every season I begin to need my FiX !!! and I addmit it I cant get no rest untill I get it !!!
It is almost Septemeber and I am having dreams,I lay awake in bed at night,I see big old 4 forks,with teacups full of red berries bursting in the Pods,I remember countless hollers that are fixed in my mind I remember the creeks and springs of cold cold water and I cant wait to go and climb,go and dig,fall a few times,get stung a few times,get cut up a few times (hey its all apart of it )yea I admit it it is all written in my mind,it is as set,as the end of time,but before the end I sure hope we all get to dig again !!! Oh Lord !! when you come please dont let it be in Septemeber !! but any other time is fine
Now tell me all those who ask tell me please what do you think is the cure for my disease ?
The old one spoke up,with the wife and kids and this is what they said...........
Just go on man and forget it there is no cure for this type of addict it is so plain so clear to see that there is no hope for your disease....
So with a bright smile and a twinkle in my eye I am ready to go and I know that you guys no why
It Is
!!! ThE SeNg FaCtOr !!
LoL made up by Billy