After having been through our Forest Stewardship program here in PA, I can feel for you. Land owners and loggers tend to look at what can we take from the land and the income instead of what can will be left for future income or recreation. I am by no means against logging or farming, just like to see somethings wild. We may be the last generation to see the forest as it is now. With woolly adelgid effecting our hemlock (PA's state tree), the Emerald Ash borer devastating our White Ash, the gypsy moth problem. etc. The ash trees may be gone soon. They are expecting 80% mortality rate of hemlock, they may or may not be successful in bringing back the American Chestnut.
One word of encouragement I could give you is that around the 1930's all those great forests across Northern PA were clear cut and there was nothing left. You can find photos on the web. Now however, you can drive along route six all the way across PA and it is hard to believe the area was once barren. The regeneration of the forest is awesome. There are trees in places two people can't get their arms around and touch hands. Some has been logged out again but, the forest there did come back. I hope we are intelligent enough to at least try and protect it from ourselves. Sorry for the rant.