SNV... I'm 43 and know of quite a few areas, but around these parts a lot of it has just flat been dug out. A good spot in my area you may find about a pound. I have one spot that I can probably get about 2 lbs every 3 years. Thats my old honey hole and she's do next fall.
Last year I only hunted totaly new to me areas and ended up with just under a pound dried. Saw some great looking spots with little or no ginseng. Makes me sad that some guys just over dig, but that's the way it is around here. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with people digging a pile of roots, I just wish that they were a little more selective. I leave younger 3 prongs all the time and even occasionally leave some 4prong plants to help seed the area and keep it going. But yeh man I'm with you, Just love it when I can find an area that hasn't seen a digger in ten or more years and the old seng is standing 18 inches tall and big old 4prong plants all over. Oh yeh, that's how the spot was that I've been in the past 2 evenings after work