I have been diggin roots for 3 years now and have made a few bucks, not getting rich but adding a few bucks to the income. I stil have not found any seng at all in the area that I live in. I have limeted access to land to hunt on, so I have decided that the best thing to do is go and plant my own! In the spring I should have close to 1,000 plants. it should be about half from seed and the other half from 1 and 2 yr. old rootlets. Also working on growing Black cohosh, Goldenseal, Virginia Snakeroot, Bloodroot and Star Grass. I figure I can help put some back in woods and maybe make a few bucks from seeds and root stock. I know some places where ginseng grows, but it is on state owned hunting land and I am not about digging it there. I have found patches it the woods there that I would estimate to be 50 to 60 yrs old, maybe more? If I get back up there while hunting some squirrels I will take some pics if they still there and post them. The info that I have got from the posts on here about planting ginseng have been very helpful. Thanks to all.