Good Luck to you today !
I planted a bunch of berries today too. Not sure how many but I would say at least 100 possibly more.
Glad someone is getting some rain and way to go on getting some stratified seed planted already.
All - - - one more Pic for today !
I was not at it long this morning and started feeling that old familliar stinging itch (poison ivy) on my right arm. Not far up the hollow I found a nice patch of jewel weed and picked some, crushed it and rubbed that sap on the sting/itch and WOW it stopped immediatly.
First time I have ever tried that and well did not even know aobut it until someone here mentioned it.
I brought some of it home to and I'm cooking me up some jewell weed tea. I saw a guy on youtube do it. You put 1.5 qt of water in a pot and get it to a boil, then cut up your jewel weed and put it in. Turn it down and let it simmer for 20 minutes, then cool and pour it into a jar and you can keep it in the fridge and use it as needed later on.
Now I have something to take care of the poison ivy