Classicfur and anyone else interested.
Not to change the subject (to late) but you had mentioned the lady that owns the property next to you is from Alaska. This reminded me about Alaska and I have always wondered if ginseng would grow there. Have you ever researched growing ginseng in Alaska. If not I can understand why as it is a long ways away. I have always been intrigued about growing ginseng in Alaska for some unknown reason. I have attempted to read up on it but there does not seem to be much information on it. I saw one place where there is a small island where a guy was growing ginseng in Alaska and I found the article and have pasted the link below:
The reason I ask is I have heard the soil in Alaska is rich and loamy. I know there are ginseng farmers way up North in the Pacific Northwest, BC, Canada, Ontario etc and that is pretty far North.
However, there is not much mentioned about Alaska.
If one searches the internet about \"Alaskan Ginseng\" it most often refers to a plant known as Devil's Club. Devil's Club is not ginseng for anyone that is interested.
I like the new show called \"Gold Rush\" on the Discovery Channel on Friday nights at 10:00 PM. It is a story about some guys that go to Alaska to to hit it rich mining gold.It is one of my favorites and ranks up there with Pawn Stars, American Pickers and American Choppers to name a few on my favorite list.
Anyway there is so much virgin wooded wilderness in Alaska and I just wonder if anyone is trying to grow Wild Simulated Ginseng there. Remote land is extremely abundant and is extremely cheap. I have seen where remote land can sell from a nickle an acre up to $200 per acre.
How cool would it be for a group to go in on some Alaskan acreage and plant some ginseng on it and then go back in 10 to 15 years to dig it.
Sounds far fetched I know but it would be a cool adventure and I do not think you would have to worry about ginseng poachers much either. It may also serve as a great place to do some remote wild game hunting for Bear, Dear etc.
Yea this post was way off topic but what heck. lol