I know many of us are itching to get in the woods with our seng hoes/forks. I know it's especially hard to watch the tops die back in this heat with 7 weeks left (for Kentucky) to get into the woods.
Yes, it's tempting, to go and get what you can find and think short term. But we have to think longer term and not just about today.
Many dislike and ignore harvest restrictions in place, but our short term greed is what had gotten us to a place where these had to be implemented. If each harvester had waited for the berries and planted them back, thought before making the forest road and the cabin in the woods (on the prime ginseng site, nonetheless), didn't dig up the immature plants, didn't dig up everything they saw (and the next person behind them), respected property laws, we wouldn't even be talking about a ginseng harvest season....
Now, off my soapbox.
Remember - Kentucky's harvest season for ALL types of and all parts of ginseng starts September 1.
After that, happy hunting.