Okay, I guess that someday is today!
I worked in construction with Rob Branham or Brannum (not sure about the spelling but neither does most of these Hillbillies around here, LOL) back in (I believe) 1971. Rob was the brother-in-law of my old friend Jess who was also working with us in building retainer walls where the roads had washed out during a devastating Flash Flood event in the areas in and around Gatlinburg. One day while we were mixing mud (cement), Rob says to me and Jess, \"Boys my' stomach hurts me all of the time\"! To which, one of us asked, \"Well Rob, don't you chew Sampson Twist tobacco\"? Rob replies, \"Yep boys\"! To which one of us asked, \"Well Rob, what do you do with that baccer juice cause we never see you spit\"? Rob then says, \"Well boys, I just swallow it\". To which one of us asked, \"Well Rob, what do you do with the chews of tobacco, cause we never see you spit them out\"? And to this, Rob says, \"Well boys, I just swallow'um\". To which, I believe we both stated at about the same time, \"Danged Rob, you ain't supposed to swallow the baccer juice and you ain't supposed to swallow the baccer chews\", \"Ain't nobody ever taut you better than that\"? Rob replies, \"Nope boys\"! To which, me and Jess told Rob, \"Boy, you better be get'n yourself to the Doctor, cause your stomach is probably eat up with cancer\", \"But first, quit swallowing the baccer juice and quit swallowing the baccer chews and maybe your stomach will quit hurting you\"!
You know, I haven't seen old Rob in about 40 years but I heard that he was still going strong and he must be nearing 80 years old! He did quit swallowing the juice and the chews after that conversation. My telling of this story does not do it justice because you really needed to be there to hear it as the conversation was carried on in our' slow southern Hillbilly draw (accent). What normally takes a Puerto Rican 30 seconds to say and a New Yorker 1 minute to say, took us southern hillbillies 5 to 6 minutes to say back then!