2024 Fall Planting:

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TOPIC: Removing flower beneficial for root growth

Removing flower beneficial for root growth 14 years 3 months ago #7748

Is there anyone else on this site removing flowers from 3 and 4 year old plants to promote root growth?

I have been Pinching the blossoms on all the plants when they are 3 and 4 years old to naturaly create a larger root. This procedure is described in Scott's book on page 132, \"blossom Picking\"

For ones that don't have Scotts book, this is what he says:

\"A great deal of energy of the ginseng plant goes toward the development of berries. If the seed spike and the blossoms are snipped in early summer, berry formation is prevented and additional energy is available for root growth. Exactly how much blossom snipping adds to root weight is known only for three- and four-year-old plants in artificial-shade gardens:25%-30% increase in root weight annually. I suspect that in woods-cultivated beds the annual gain would be similar. Since the benefit should be compounded as the growing seasons go by and the beneficial effect of blossom picking is widely known, it is somewhat surprising that more woods growers don't blossom snip. If you are not interested in expanding your production or in selling seeds to a neighbor, then blossom picking is a simple, natural, though highly labor intensive, way to increase root growth.\"

Here's another note from a MO. state page:
\"The majority of plants grown to simulate the wild condition will not reach a desired root size and maturity until 9-10 years after planting. However, you can remove flowers annually from two- and three-prong plants and increase root size and decrease harvest time by a year or so.\"

I have done this on all 3-4 yr olds for the past two seasons.

I think I will pick some small beds and not remove the flowers from the plants during the 3rd and 4th year. And at the end of that period when they go dormant at the end of the season, I will compare the weights of those with some that did have the flowers removed during the 3rd and 4th year.

A 25%-30% increase during those years could result in the final harvest weight being substantially higher. Especially when your talking about thousands of plants.

In the article from this Wildgrown site:How to grow Wild Simulated Ginseng. It said:

\"If seed production is not desired, the flowers need to be clipped in order to ensure that the plants focus their growth on root development.\"

Any thoughts?


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Re:Removing flower beneficial for root growth 14 years 3 months ago #7749

This I definately plan to test this upcoming year to try and see whether there is a cost-benefit ratio that makes this worth while. It's something Im willing to practice if it's economically beneficial despite the labor and the loss of seed production.


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Re:Removing flower beneficial for root growth 14 years 3 months ago #7750

Yep, hear tell some will do this to grapes and some fruit trees. It has been said that the fruits will be sweeter for the life of the plant if they are held back a few years. It all makes sence to me. I'm all for pushing my beds without jepardizing the \"wild simulated\" tile and prices.

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Re:Removing flower beneficial for root growth 14 years 3 months ago #7756

Hillhopper, four prong

I look forward to the results of Flower Pluckin.

Thanks for your input.


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Re:Removing flower beneficial for root growth 14 years 3 months ago #7769

This may be possible. However, I would rather get a good seed crop from my ginseng plants when that time comes. I am so looking forward to getting these free seeds and stratifying them and planting them.
To each his own and if you can increase your root weight by this practice and that is your goal then that is something you will have to decide on. Either way \"Ain't it fun\" !!!! Good luck everybody.

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Re:Removing flower beneficial for root growth 14 years 3 months ago #7774

There is a chemical that has been used for a long time here in middle TN to prevent sprouting and suckering of certain plants and has also been found to increase potatoe yield and keep them from sprouting in storage as well. This I may try this upcoming year on a small area in my older plots and see what happens. That would really knock all the labor in the head if it does work but organic folk would shutter at this Im sure.

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Re:Removing flower beneficial for root growth 14 years 3 months ago #7775


I dont think you would get a good seed crop from 3 and 4 yr olds.

From my past experience, my 3 and 4 yr olds do not produce a high amount of seeds with the Wild Simulated method. All you are doing is clipping the flower off so it does'nt waste it's energy on producing a flower spike that does not have alot of seeds. Then when they are 5 yrs and older you allow them to produce seeds when they are more capable of producing a large seed head.

I believe that increased root size during the 3rd and 4th year far out weighs what little amount of seeds you would lose during those two years.


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Re:Removing flower beneficial for root growth 14 years 3 months ago #7778

That makes sense.
Thanks for the info.

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Re:Removing flower beneficial for root growth 14 years 3 months ago #7780

I would say your right classicfur, the only thing im thinking is the labor involved. I guess there is too many variables involved in knowing how much it's worth to ya to do this. I can see where cultivated plants probably wouldn't benefit you that much since price per lb is so low but but who knows with wild simulated.....

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Re:Removing flower beneficial for root growth 14 years 3 months ago #7782


Here's what Scott Persons says in his book regarding seed production.

\"In a wild-simulated setting, it may be seven or eight years before the majority of the plants are three pronged and producing seeds.\"

If you were growing like the big artificial shade farmers and pumping the fertizer to the plants, you could expect to get a good seed crop from 3 and 4 year old plants.


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