Know what you mean about that in the zone thing Latt.
I also have the ability to sense where it is going to be based on what the hillside, companion plants, and other location qualities look like. When me and my seng hunting buddy go hunting, as we first head down a hollow looking for seng about 10 out of 12 times I will find the first bunch.
That is something that comes with experience too.
I know exactly what you mean about scanning a area and boom one jumps out at you, or even after you scan past that area your brain clicks and you can swing right back to the spot where that 3 prong is hidden well mixed in with creeper and other look alikes.
It is definately a pattern recognization thing.
I really enjoy going with someone new, teaching them how. I can sure give them heck the first several trips we go on - I will have them thinking that I can smell it. As you are approaching a spot that just looks very sengy - I alway say I think I smell some over there, and about 9 times out of 10 when you get there sure enough you find a few.
It does not take much of that to have a newbie thinking you can actually smell it. You can re-inforce that some by spotting one from quite a distance and telling the newbie that you think you smell one over there and then let him go over there and look around until he finally stumbles on it.
Works ever time.
I usually let them in on the joke a few weeks later.
All in fun !
PS - do you ever have the \"image flash backs\" after you get home and take care of your seng and shower and all - almost every time for several hours after a hunt I will have what I call \"image flash backs\" where when I blink my eyes or turn my head or look up at the cieling I see ginseng leaf patterns.
It's odd but happens to me almost every time.
I think I am just looking so intently for that leaf pattern that it sort of gets burnt into my brain a bit, then repeats after I am back home. It usually goes away over night.