One of the reasons why I think Ginseng will grow great on our land is the bounty of Jack in the Pulpit we have here. I couldn't keep track of how many of these I see throughout the day. They are literally, everywhere. I have also found some bloodroot, which I have heard is an even better indicator of a good environment for Ginseng.
Even though I have lived aside Jack's my entire life, a small patch of them have caught my eye recently. This patch has come up for as long as I can remember, and I am almost 26.. So I can only imagine their age. This year the these particular Jacks have grown extremely tall.
And a closer look, the tire is an ATV tire (24x10x11) for an 11 inch rim.
Has anyone ever seen Jacks this big? We have never fertilized or taken any care of these, in fact, I usually hit them with the whip (weed wacker) by accident once or twice a year.
My most important question is: how well of an indicator plant is jack in the pulpit? They grow in some pretty moist areas, and I am wondering if I can push the ginseng into these areas as well. The soil is still \"well drained\" but never really \"dries out\". It is very dark in color and looks like it is mostly made up of worm casings. I have yet to take soil samples from these areas, but it is pretty much the land right above a typical northeastern marsh. Some pictures of the area to come.