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TOPIC: Bigfoot

Bigfoot 13 years 2 weeks ago #16642

Fascinated by the new show on \"Animal Planet\" called \"Finding Bigfoot\". I am amazed by the quality of the eyewitnesses. Policemen, park rangers, hunters and other respected members of the community that have claimed to have seen something.

Whether one believes or not, I truly believe there are creditable people that think they saw something not human and not a bear.

Would love to see one myself. Can't help to think it may be possible for a North American Primate to exist undiscovered in the remote areas of a large forest. But on the other hand how is it possible that no one has found a dead one or hard evidence. Blurry pics and blurry videos seem to be the norm unfortunately. Why can't people get sharp pics/images and videos of Bigfoots and UFO's lol.

Still interesting to me thou either way.

Not really ginseng related but it is woods related fact or fiction.

Ya know if you did see one it would hard to tell anyone because they would all think you were nuts. If I saw one I would tell everyone anyway and let them come to their own conclusion.

Most say they will never find one because they do not exist. They are probably right but I like the thought that something undiscovered may still exist in our North American Woodlands.

One of the hotbeds for sightings is in Eastern Ohio. Would love to go looking for evidence some weekend.

Hummmm...... Morel Mushroom, ginseng and Bigfoot hunting, Priceless!


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Re:Bigfoot 13 years 2 weeks ago #16647

Well, I have to agree that finding one/seeing one would be incredible!

Perhaps the reason that no-one is finding bodily remains, is these primates have a fairly elaborate burial ritual. Perhaps the reason they are so elusive is that they are actually smarter than the rest of us, and don't need/want soceital influences. Think: the movie \"Pandora\"

If you are at one with nature, why do you need an Audi? Or a Computer, or prescription drugs?


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Re:Bigfoot 13 years 2 weeks ago #16649

I'll believe in bigfoot when I see one. 30 million Trail Cams across North America and not one good pic...? I've deer hunted Salt Fork State Park in Southeastern Ohio where all these bigfoot hunters think they reside and at all times every hunter on that park can see 3-5 other hunters (no lie, it is that thick in there with hunters.... with guns.... that's why I won't hunt there anymore...One day was enough for me) I just cant believe in bigfoot fellas. I Think that there are a lot of things mankind doesn't know about or understand, but...

I will gladly give up the locations of every ginseng patch I know of if somebody drives up to my house with an intact bigfoot body in the bed of their truck..LOL

Good thread though Latt.....this should get some responses

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Re:Bigfoot 13 years 2 weeks ago #16650

I was 11 yeas old when the \"Legend of Boggy Creek\" movie came out in 1972.

Had been deer hunting for 3-4 years before that and had already killed 3-4 bucks.

We went to see that movie and well for years after that, every time I was out on a deerstand or in the woods when it started getting dark, man those cedar trees started turning in to the Boggy Creek Monster (Big-Foot).

Does not bother me quite so much now days :(

Found a trailer for the old movie on youtube - check it out.

Imaging yourself as a 11 year old - going hunting after watching that :-)


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Re:Bigfoot 13 years 2 weeks ago #16651

I wished it were true but I doubt it is. Out of all the sightings, I can't believe any of em weren't sengers. I always try to hit the deepest most inaccessible spots around my part of the country so I don't figure they are around here lol


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Re:Bigfoot 13 years 1 week ago #16666

As I read this, I'm hearing the theme from \"The Outer Limits\" TV show... LOL

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Re:Bigfoot 13 years 1 week ago #16700

I've gotta go with 5prong on this one. With all the trail cams and amature hunter/movie makers out there now, I can't imagine they would not have a solid evidentuary picture at some point by now.

But, it is indeed a fun thing to ponder.

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Re:Bigfoot 13 years 1 week ago #16740

New series on tonight I believe on Animal Planet at 10 PM. Doubt they find anything but it's still fun to watch. I agree, with all the seng, deer, turkey, hog, coyote hunters etc, etc, etc in the woods hunting how would they not be seen. Still hope they find one someday thou but I doubt it.

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Re:Bigfoot 13 years 1 week ago #16749

Pretty funny you posted this Latt. I watched the show and find it entertaining, puzzling, funny. Not sure what to make of it, but I will listen to stories or watch shows like this because I saw two.....mountain lions! They are not suposed to exist here in Vermont.Yet I saw one while I was driving crossing a road and one 30 yards from me while bowhunting, There is no question what I saw!

The similarities to what I've seen in that show and to my own experiences seeing these cats is startling. The way some of them discribe there sightings and the way I discribe my cat sightings is eerie.

In that show last night they said there had not been many sightings in the area, yet when they had their town hall meeting dozens claimed to have seen them. I suspect many hunters/ outdoors people don't say anything due to being ridiculed. I found the same thing happend here reguarding mountain lion sightings.

As far as not finding bones or a carcuss doesn't surprise me at all. Most of us here on this site spend more hours than most in the woods. How many bobcat, fisher, bird bear moose carcusses etc do you find? 0 to not very many I suspect. Now something such as a bigfoot if they do exist, are not numerous. the odds of coming across one would be astronomical!

Am I saying they exist? No, but I don't rule out anything due to my own experiences!

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Re:Bigfoot 13 years 1 week ago #16752

Did you see the one guy that they interviewed that is a policeman and avid hunter. He had a close encounter with one and said he hasn't hunted for 18 years after his experience. The guy seemed really normal and just a good ole boy type fella. He didn't seem like a nut by any means. This is the part that really interest me most. I am sure there are a lot of nuts out there that say they see stuff just to get attention or they are just plain goofy and think they saw something.
This guy was really normal acting and very creditable in my opinion. I mean a policeman and avid hunter, that pretty creditable in my book. He was very close to it according to him and if he is telling the truth he saw something that was not a bear. I mean he is a hunter and claims to have only been about 20 to 30 feet from the thing he saw. He made no bones about it and said it was a bigfoot. These are the type of experiences than make me wonder. There is no doubt in my mind you yourself saw a Mountain Lion even thou they are not supposed to be around in your area. You are a hunter and know the difference and know what you saw. These are the types of stories that leave me scratching my head.

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