Hi all
New to this site...Nice place.
I have dug wild root in the past.Now that I moved back to Pa I want to get back into roots.
I have a small place that I can put 2ea 5x10 raised beds under natural shade.I would like to start a seeds and 3 yr old beds this season.Next season I need to make beds with artifical shade.
Now the questions LOL...1.What type of soil?I was going to put down a base of sand about a inch then peat moss for the bulk mixed with sand.Or would start with top soil mixed with peat and sand?
I have read that DON'T fertlize the seng roots..Why???If you go with organtic fertlizers like blood meal,bone meal and (Kelp) Green sand I can't see it hurting.
Where is a good place to get a Ph tester?
Please all jump in.I just want to get this some what right ..LOL.
Thanks for your time.....Frank