Hello Guys
My Videos for 2012 are edited and posted at my website on the new videos 2012 page
I would post the link but remember it is considered to be Competition for this site if you ad a link to your website that concerns anything to do with ginseng,,,,,,so I will not do that I do not want to get any body upset and that seems easy done.
You can e-mail me if you need the link and I will send it to you or if you type my name and ginseng together in any search engine you can find the site easy.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It want be long untill it is time to start digging Beth root and Crainesbill I cant wait ramps (leaks) will be up and Hickory chickens (morrels) soon also yum yum....that with some stream fish lord lord.............