Just waiting here Whit. Nothin growing yet. Your seng ought to be sprouting anytime now if it hasn't already. I'm looking foreward to it, but prabably have a few more weeks before they start. Slow time of year for the ginseng growers.
I will probably put down some deadline for slug control here in a couple of weeks though. I will probably top dress with a litte gypsum too.
I really havent put a lot of thought into marketing yet. It doesn't seem all that difficult to sell ginseng.... LOL
I've always advised prospective growers to spend a couple of years hunting wild ginseng. This will teach a person many things about this plant that are difficult to pick up from books. If a person is growing wild sim by the purest definition then prices matching wild should be expected. I don't think any type of grower will ever exceed the price of wild ginseng unless they have a special type of product. It seems like you have already begun to explore this area at least in thought... I wish you well with this. It seems like you are very dedicated in your endeavor.
I just want to have some to dig in the future
It is more about the challenge of getting it to grow to me than it is about future profit. I am looking foreward to see what this spring brings. The area that the majority of my plantings are located is being timbered this spring, so that will be interesting in itself. It will be select cutting, so I don't believe that it will be wiped out. Truthfully I am mostly concerned with loggers digging while they are there, or slipping back in at a later date. Most of the ginseng is young and small, but I do have a couple of seed bed areas that have some very nice mature plant in them..... I guess time will tell.....
I do have ginsneng planted in other locations as well, so it's not as if I've got all my eggs in one basket