bellco ky wrote:I would like to start a seiners against poachers club. Where we can crack down ,share info ,and exchange idea to combat against poachers. Any ideas how we can start this. Maybe call it seiners against poaching. Sap for short, all here share names of poachers. And a member from each state have all info for their state ,and be in charge of reporting it to the states coordinater..just want to stop this nonsense. If interested let's get ball rolling, I'm sure we all no someone that goes about corrupt!
bellco ky... While your suggestion is a noble venture, I fear that it will be a hard one to get organized or institute! One thing that I will warn against and that is to never and I really mean never, post any names of persons that you know or are suspected of poaching or persons buying and selling Ginseng out of season or persons buying and selling illegal small Ginseng roots (flat tops and two prongs). As you know, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty and by posting names here, you can open yourself up to a host of Liability and Defamation Law Suits. Once any of these individuals are prosecuted and found guilty, then I believe that their names can be posted here or on other forums. Just be careful so that you don't end up suffering in trying to do what is right!
I believe that we all can share ideas and tactics to use to get these folks caught or even post information about where they operate as long as no names, addresses or telephone numbers are posted. The main thing is, that we all do our part to stem poaching of Ginseng, the buying and selling of Ginseng out of season and the buying and selling of illegal small Ginseng roots. Maybe this club could actually be part of the Ginseng Diggers and Growers Association if it ever gets off of the ground. We could form a \"Code of Conduct\" that we would carry in card form to present to property owners when asking for permission to hunt Ginseng on their' property and hand the cards out to others at Ginseng root buying and selling locations (i.e. where the Ginseng Dealers set up to buy) and at other events or locations. A \"Code of Conduct\" has well served members of the North American Hunting Club for many years when trying to gain permission to hunt properties and especially properties that were formerly off-limits (posted) to everyone but the property owners.
Just so that you will know, I will do everything within reason to insure that the outlaws in and around my area, get what they deserve and that is time behind bars!